Arrival City


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For the first time in history, more people live in cities than in the countryside. Thousands of people migrate to metropolises longing for a better future, seeking a space where they can build their lives.

In his well-known book "Arrival City", Canadian journalist Doug Sanders points out that our world is currently reshaped by the largest migration in human history. One-third of humanity is currently moving from rural to urban areas.

The decision to move is linked to the hope of new opportunities. Usually life in the city offers better chances of advancement, is healthier and culturally more interesting. At the same time, for some disaster may await.

Being one of the few African metropolises, Johannesburg is one of those Arrival Cities. The so-called City of Gold attracts people from all over the continent, allowing new forms of life and coexistence. For some, the streets of Joburg may be paved with gold. For others, it's merely a city of barriers and lack of perspectives.

As a group of journalists, we have been looking for people for whom Johannesburg became their new home. Here is the story of some of them.

This multimedia documentary is part of the 2018/19 training cycle of the "Young African Journalists' Accelerator Program" (YAJAP) facilitated by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation South Africa and JournAfrica!.

A face of hope for the displaced
in the city of gold,
The art and heart of a
Joburg migrant artist.
To find what glitters in the city of gold
one has to dig deep.